weight & food, Sat. 7 Feb. 2015


before breakfast: 52.60kg

breakfast Sat. 7 Feb. 2015
breakfast: my daily companions with apple jam & puff grain cereals, bagel with sesame cream & Amanatsu marmalade
☞ today’s fruits: apple, kaki, kiwi, Aiaikan mandarine, banana, strawberry

swimming: 70 minutes

lunch Sat. 7 Feb. 2015
lunch: Shiso sausages, Kon’nyaku soup added snap peas, pickled radish, fried burdock & carrot, toasted Bancha tea

snak: Awazenzai(steamed millet with red bean paste made with Azuki beans) from a Japanese sweets café, Kinozen

before dinner: 52.55kg

dinner Sat. 7 Feb. 2015
dinner: cheese plater,
cube salad with corn, cherry tomatoes, pickled red radish,
boiled broccoli, baguette, red wine

dessert Sat. 7 Feb. 2015
dessert: canelé et thé vert

before going to bed: 53.30kg

cloudy cloudy in Tokyo