letf: with less refined sugar
right: with white sugar
Every morning I take fruits but it’s too much, anyway…
Eitaros makes 2 types of marmalade of it.
The left side is with less refined sugar “Hanamito”, the right is with general white sugar.
- Marmalade with Hanamito: left
- the sweetness is gentle and tender, fruits’ flavor is less than the one with white sugar.
- Marmalade with white sugar: right
- the sweetness is direct and sharp, fruits’ flavor is more than the one with Hanamito.
It’s reasonable as Hanamito has its own flavor, so the marmalade completes as the harmony of 2 ingredients.
I’m not very good at strong straight sweetness, the fast with Hanamito fits me.
It’s a good opportunity to enjoy various arrangement of a fruit. If they are not pesticide-free, the idea couldn’t come up.
- 花見糖マーマレード: 左
- 柔らかい、優しい甘さ。甘夏自体の香りは白砂糖を使ったものより弱い。
- 白砂糖マーマレード: 右
- ストレートな鋭い甘さ。甘夏自体の香りが花見糖を使ったものより強い。