food & trim, Sat. 12 Dec. 2015

dinner LifeStying by edochiana

before breakfast: 51.25kg

breakfast @ 5am!: my daily companions

breakfast LifeStying by edochiana
breakfast on Sat. 12 Dec. 2015

bread & sweets LifeStying by edochiana
bread & sweets for breakfast on Sat. 12 Dec. 2015

lunch @ 南房総オーガニック
lunch on Sat. 12 Dec. 2015
lunch @
short period internship of Minami(southern) Boso Organic
lunch @ 南房総オーガニック
hot pots for lunch on Sat. 12 Dec. 2015

antipasto: red wine, Kisuki diary‘s black paper gouda 木次乳業の黒胡椒ゴーダチーズ

grilled sweet potato & carrot coated oregano by potato starch, olive oil & salt
salad with Chinese cabbage, avocado & persimmon 白菜、アボカド、柿のサラダ,
sautée du porc with rosemary ポークソテー ローズマリーで
then peanuts & green tea そのあと、落花生と緑茶

dinner LifeStying by edochiana
dinner on Sat. 12 Dec. 2015

before going to bed: 51.60kg

sun light LifeStying by edochiana fine day in Tatéyama, southern Boso, Chiba & Tokyo 南房総の館山も東京も晴れ