weight & food, Sun. 28 Dec. 2014

dinner @ seafood bistrot in Tokyo

breakfast Sun. 28 Dec. 2014
before breakfast: 55.9kg

breakfast: my daily companions with muesli + a slice of spice chiffon cake
today’s fruits: pare, apple, banana, Ponkan mandarine, strawberries

after 80 minutes swimming: 55.4kg

I saw a powerful young swimmer in my swimming pool. I watched her how to swim in the water. Her stroke is very dynamic and beautiful like a dolphin.

lunch Sun. 28 Dec. 2014
scramble egg with Nori,
Gammodoki, mushroom & leek soup ☜ leftovers,
rice, green tea

dinner @ seafood bistrot in Tokyo
dinner @ a seafood bistrot, Sun. 28 Dec. 2014
dinner: @ seafood bistrot with old friends from Bruxelles, various sashimi, fish Syabusyabu(hot pot), seaweed salad, a bite of rice, a lot of sake from Hokuriku, Japan 🙂

The weight will be more than usual tomorrow morning but I’m happy to spend a pleasant time with friends.

before going to bed: 56.40kg

cloudysun lightcapricious sunny and cold day in Tokyo