weight & food, Mon. 5 Jan. 2015

lily bulb tempura

before breakfast: 57.3kg

breakfast Mon. 5 Jan. 2015
breakfast: pumpkin bread, salad, tofu with olive oil + salt, yogurt with white grape + pumpkin jam, milk, coffee

Kitsune udon
lunch Mon. 5 Jan. 2015
lunch: udon noodle soup with braised Aburaage after cross-country skiing

lily bulb tempura
starter Mon. 5 Jan. 2015
tempura of lily bulbs, various sashimi, oysters, jellied ray fish, soy sauce pickled celery, etc.
Sashimi & sake
Sashimi Mon. 5 Jan. 2015
oysters Mon. 5 Jan. 2015

before going to bed: 58.2kg

cloudysnowing powder-snowing but mild day in Hokkaido