weight & food, Wed. 7 Jan. 2015


before breakfast: 57.70kg

breakfast Wed. 7 Jan 2015
breakfast: my daily companions with muesli + spice chiffon cake
☞ today’s fruits: pare, apple, Mikan mandarine, strawberries

after 70 minutes’ swimming: 57.40kg

I felt strange. 1 week absence in the swimming pool but I used other muscle by cross-country skiing for 3 days and put on weight.
Food was delicious in Hokkaido but I want my ordinal simple food after too rich dishes.

lunch Wed. 7 Jan. 2015
lunch: Okara croquette, grilled Hirousu, broccoli sprouts + bonito flakes, green tea

dinner Wed. 7 Jan. 2015
dinner: sake lees stew, pickled radish, boiled broccoli with yogurt mayonnaise sauce added chili powder, fried Shirataki and cod roe

before going to bed: 58.10kg
I feel bloated…

cloudy cold windy day in Tokyo