weight & food, Fri. 9 Jan. 2015


before breakfast: 56.95kg

breakfast Fri. 9 Jan. 2015
breakfast: Stollen, café au lait, yogurt with pumpkin jam, fruit salad (kiwi, pare, apple, Mikan mandarine, strawberries)
after 70 minutes’ swimming: 56.45kg

lunch Fri. 9 Jan. 2015
lunch: Iri-dofu with Maitake mushroom(hen of the woods) & Nori, rice, green tea

I like tofu but sometimes I feel it’s too soft to enjoy eating. At such times, I make Iri-dofu. Roast tofu crushing it with a spatula to sweat down, then add other vegetables, seaweeds braise with seasonings; Mirin and soy sauce. Adding beaten egg at the end is a simple and rich variation. With Teflon‐lined pan, we can make it without oil.

dinner Fri. 9 Jan. 2015
dinner: salad with rocket, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, broccoli sprouts by yogurt mayonnaise sauce, spaghetti with saucy & parsley, Chablis

before going to bed: 56.60kg

sun light still windy in Tokyo