weight & food, Tue. 20 Jan. 2015


before breakfast: 54.30kg

breakfast Tue. 20 Jan. 2015
breakfast: yogurt with Azuki milk jam, pumpkin milk jam & puff cereals from Hokkaido, fruit salad(Mikan mandarine, pare, strawberries, blueberries), café au lait

Yesterday the jam and the puff cereals are yummy and my stomach is not good condition, I took more yogurt and toppings.

But it was too much. More than enough is too much. Actually less is more…

after 75 minutes’ swimming: 54.25kg

lunch Tue. 20 Jan. 2015
lunch: Okara croquette, Gammodoki with mixed vegetables, rice & toasted Bancha tea

before dinner: 53.75kg

dinner Tue. 20 Jan. 2015
dinner: braised oysters with Japanese leek and Syungiku with Ponzu,
braised Shirataki, Daikon & beef,
Wakame seaweed soup with egg,
tofu with Shiso by sesame sauce,

before going to bed: 54.80kg

sun light a fine windy day in Tokyo