weight & food, Wed. 4 Feb. 2015


before breakfast: 53.20kg

breakfast Wed. 4 Feb. 2015
breakfast: my daily companions with apple jam & ten kinds of puff grain cereals, Matcha chiffon cake
☞ today’s fruits: appall, banana, kiwi, Tankan mandarine, strawberry

after 70 minutes’ swimming: 52.95kg

before lunch: 52.85kg

lunch Wed. 4 Feb. 2015
lunch: grilled herring, boiled broccoli, pickled Chinese cabbage, rice, toasted Bancha tea

before dinner: 52.75kg

dinner Wed. 4 Feb. 2015
dinner: beef steak with boiled radish & carrot by soup,
insalata di mozzarella, cherry tomatoes, fresh mushrooms & mixed leaves,
white wine, cacciocavallo from Hokkaido then green tea

before going to bed: 53.15kg

sun light sunny day in Tokyo