weight & food, Mon. 30 Mar. 2015

小鯛焼, よもぎと桜のおだんご by 桃林堂

before breakfast: 50.00kg

breakfast on Mon. 30 Mar. 2015
breakfast on Mon. 30 Mar. 2015
breakfast: my daily companions with Anko(Azuki bean jam) & muesli, spice chiton cake
☞ today’s fruits: Harumi, apple, banana, kiwi

after 60 minutes’ swimming: 50.20kg

before lunch: 49.95kg

lunch on Mon. 30 Mar. 2015
lunch on Mon. 30 Mar. 2015
Ikanago no Kugini いかなごのくぎ煮(:sandlances cooked in sweetened soy sauce),
boiled potato & spinach with tomato yogurt sauce,
unmilled rice,
toasted Bancha tea

dinner on Mon. 30 Mar. 2015
dinner on Mon. 30 Mar. 2015
dinner: Séndaï beef steak, fresh onion salad with pickled red radish dressed by Ponzu,
soup-boiled pumpkin with oregano, thyme & olive oil,
rape blossoms dressed with mustard yogurt sauce,
red wine

小鯛焼, よもぎと桜のおだんご by 桃林堂
dessert on Mon. 30 Mar. 2015
dessert: petit Taïyaki(: fish‐shaped pancake filled with bean jam), skewered rice dumplings with mugwort & cherry blossoms by Torindo 桃林堂 and green tea

before going to bed: 50.80kg

sun light warm spring day.
Cherry blossoms are fully bloomed here in Tokyo.