weight & food, Wed. 8 Jul. 2015

coconut curry LifeStying by edochiana

before breakfast: 50.55kg

花見糖で甘夏マーマレード LifeStying by edochiana
Amanatsu marmalade with Hanamito
breakfast: my daily companions
breakfast LifeStying by edochiana
breakfast on Wed. 8 Jul. 2015


lunch LifeStying by edochiana
lunch on Wed. 8 Jul. 2015

The right knee aches. Did rainy days give me a rest?

coconut curry with chicken, soy beans, onion,
boiled 山東菜 leaf vegetable topped braised Shiméji mushroomm
pickled Chinese cabbage topped broccoli sprouts, white wine

dinner LifeStying by edochiana
dinner on Wed. 8 Jul. 2015

before going to bed: 50.85kg

cloudy LifeStying by edochianarainy LifeStying by edochiana cloudy then rainy in Tokyo