before breakfast: 50.75kg
breakfast: my daily companions
frittata with yogurt, Nora‘s carrot leaf, Japanese leek & stem broccoli
unmilled rice 玄米, Nori のり, green tea 緑茶
swimming: 40 minutes, stretching: 5 minutes, water walking: 10 minutes
before dinner: 50.70kg
Témaé Miso tofu dip topped Nora‘s salad leaves
手前みそともめん豆腐のディップ のらのサラダリーフのダンス,
grilled red sea bream with rosemary & Bushukan ち鯛のローズマリー焼き 仏手柑で,
miso soup with Nora‘s taro & wakamé sea weeds のらの里芋とわかめのお味噌汁,
red wine
before going to bed: 51.6kg
cloudy in Tokyo