weight zigzagging 1

Lifestyling by edochiana

The way to watch weights is by a line chart. The line is falling to the right shoulder when my care smoothly goes ahead.
Watching this line is the key to have fun.

updated on Wed. 31 Dec. 2014

Generally, the weight is falling in the morning: before breakfast and then
rising after dinner: before going to bed.
I add red and sky blue points which show weights after or without swimming as I’m curious about the difference between with and without swimming. It’s clearly telling the weight before lunch, regardless of swimming, is the minimum of the day. The difference in a day is about 1kg. It’s fun to watch I’m living!

Weights between night of the first day and morning of 1st Nov. are not shown because I have no accurate data for this period though I was keeping on watching weights and meals.

Try to make your line chart!