weight & food, Wed. 8 Apr. 2015

lunch on Wed. 8 Apr. 2015

before breakfast: 50.95kg

breakfast on Wed. 8 Apr. 2015
breakfast on Wed. 8 Apr. 2015
breakfast: my daily companions with Anko(Azuki bean jam), Amanatsu marmalade & muesli,
whole wheat cookies

before lunch: 50.50kg

lunch on Wed. 8 Apr. 2015
lunch on Wed. 8 Apr. 2015
lunch: pasta salad,
pickled red radish,
unmilled rice,
pickled Daikon,
toasted Bancha tea

dinner @ Himizutsuchi (日水土)

All tastes clear. It’s different form organic vegetables.

Where can I find a field which fits me, doesn’t need any fertilizer and pesticide?

dessert @ Himizutsuchi 日水土
dessert on Wed. 8 Apr. 2015
dessert: sweet potato cake & gelato with sake lees then coffee

before going to bed: 51.40kg

rainy rainy and cold day, Tokyo got back to winter suddenly.