before breakfast: 50.75kg
breakfast: my daily companions
lunch: bread, cheese, egg dip, salad & banana
swimming: 40 minutes, stretching: 5 minutes, water walking: 10 minutes
before dinner: 50.95kg
かつおのお刺身と久礼 bonito sashimi & sake “Kuré” にんにくで with garlic,
鯵のお刺身 しょうがで horse mackerel sashimi with ginger,
貝割れ大根 Daikon sprouts,
野菜のグリル grilled veggies,
木綿豆腐とわかめ、かつお節のみそ汁 miso soup with tofu, Wakamé see weed & bonito flakes
before going to bed: 51.55kg
rainy & cloudy in Tokyo