Taking and watching meal photos is…

I found a mobile application to record my weight twice a day; before breakfast and going to bed when I started weighting myself.
The app has spaces to add meal pictures. One day has 4 spaces for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacking. I tried to post pictures without any special motivation.

It was an unexpected discover!
It’s fun to see successively my meals. I noticed that I was not just seeing the pictures but watching the food I fed my body and it became a chance to ask myself about choosing and eating food.

Am I eating good?
Are they ecological ingredients?
Isn’t it too much?
Is it yummy?
What shall I eat?

I’ve been communicating more with myself by watching my meal photos.
I’m enjoying my own action for myself!

Maybe I think I’d like to appreciate my parents by taking a good care of my body they gave me.
But it’s funny, watching meal photos is an action of appreciation, hahaha.