weight & food, Sat. 20 Dec. 2014


before breakfast: 57.45kg

breakfast Sat. 20 Dec. 2014
breakfast: café au lait, yogurt topped muesli, fruit salad (apple, kaki, strawberry, mandarine “Ponkan”)

swimming: 55 minutes
after swimming: 56.95kg

lunch Sat. 20 Dec. 2014
lunch: Okara croquette, Hirousu,
leftovers ☞ miso soup added milk with taro, mushroom & kon’nyaku soup, pickled radish,
green tea

dinner Sat. 20 Dec. 2014
dinner: linguine alle vongole e pomodorini, insalata di Mizuna, germi di soia(bean sprouts) e tonno(tuna), vino bianco

spice chiffon cake & green tea
dessert Sat. 20 Dec. 2014
dessert: spice chiffon cake & green tea

before going to bed: 57.70g

cloudrain cloudy then rainy