weight zigzagging 1
The way to watch weights is by a line chart. The line is falling to the right shoulder when my care smoothly g...
The way to watch weights is by a line chart. The line is falling to the right shoulder when my care smoothly g...
before breakfast: 56.65kg For 4 days the weight is on a plateau. breakfast: my daily companions with muesli + ...
before breakfast: 56.60kg breakfast: my daily companions with muesli + a bite of spice chiffon cake ☞ to...
My active situation completely depends on the period. Mainly I’m working with a Macintoch, almost frozen...
I’m working. Fortunately my working time can be controlled mostly by myself. It’s helpful to keep ...
before breakfast: 56.55kg I woke up earlier than usual having a concern today. breakfast: my daily companions ...
before breakfast: 56.50kg breakfast: my daily companions with muesli + spice chiffon cake ☞ today’...
Sometimes I go to a new swimming pool as each pool has its own character depending on the rules, users, locati...
before breakfast: 57.35kg breakfast: my daily companions with muesli + spice chiffon cake ☞ today’...
I found a mobile application to record my weight twice a day; before breakfast and going to bed when I started...