pasta salad with corned beef dressed miso yogurt without mayonnaise lunch on Mon. 28 Dec. 2015
swimming: 40 minutes, stretching: 5 minutes, water walking: 10 minutes
before dinner: 50.60kg
gratin with cod,tofu, Japanese leek & king trumpet mushroom dinner on Mon. 28 Dec. 2015dinner on Mon. 28 Dec. 2015にんじんとさつまいものレモングラス煮
braised carrot & sweet potato with lemon grass,
red wine
dessert: spicy cake & green tea dessert on Mon. 28 Dec. 2015
before going to bed: 51.40kg
frittata with yogurt, Nora‘s carrot leaf, Japanese leek & stem broccoli のらの茎ブロッコリー、赤ねぎ、にんじんの葉のヨーグルト入りフリッタータ,
unmilled rice 玄米, Nori のり, green tea 緑茶 lunch on Wed. 23 Dec. 2015
swimming: 40 minutes, stretching: 5 minutes, water walking: 10 minutes
before dinner: 50.70kg
dinner: Témaé Misotofu dip topped Nora‘s salad leaves 手前みそともめん豆腐のディップ のらのサラダリーフのダンス, starter for dinner on Wed. 23 Dec. 2015
grilled red sea bream with rosemary & Bushukan ち鯛のローズマリー焼き 仏手柑で,
miso soup with Nora‘s taro & wakamé sea weeds のらの里芋とわかめのお味噌汁,
red wine fish for dinner on Wed. 23 Dec. 2015
starter for dinner on Mon. 21 Dec. 2015dinner:
味噌ヨーグルトディップ 白菜、カブの葉、オニオンスライス、アボカドを散らして
miso & tofu dip topped Chinese cabbage, radish leaf, sliced onion & diced avocado
main course for dinner on Mon. 21 Dec. 2015大根と鶏もも肉のさっと煮 ローズマリー、生姜、鷹の爪と柚子で,
braised Chicken & Daikon with rosemary, ginger chili & Yuzu
and sake
dessert: Shirotaé‘s soufflé cheese cake, Saint Marc & green tea しろたえ赤坂のスフレチーズケーキ、サンマルク、緑茶 1st desset on Mon. 21 Dec. 2015 2nd dessert on Mon. 21 Dec. 2015lemon cheese pie
I make jam, yogurt but have no intention to make miso, so far.
It’s also happy to enjoy food made by professionals with full of skill and experience. Bread, cheese, soy sauce and miso…
When I get the products, I’d like to see them and to get information of ingredients of their products.
Labeling is only due to obligation, but clues to understand maker’s discipline.
After tasting Iroha farm‘s miso and satisfied with what the label says, the sauce made by my ordinal recipe gave me a clear impression of living food. 安房いろは農園の手前みその表示ラベル
swimming: 40 minutes, stretching: 5 minutes, water walking: 10 minutes
before lunch: 49.75kg
lunch on Sat. 19 Dec. 2015lunch:
鶏レバー、にんじん、玉ねぎのさっと煮 レモングラスと牛乳で
braised chicken lever, carrot & onion with lemon grass & milk,
salad with Chinese cabbage & dried young sardines,
全粒粉のパン whole wheat bread
dessert after lunch on Sat. 19 Dec. 2015dessert: Stollen & caffè macchiato
小松菜の軸と黄にんじん 味噌ヨーグルトソースで
stem of fresh Komatsuna(Japanese mustard spinach) & yellow carrot with Miso yogurt sauce,
grilled radish & potato dressed majoram,
鶏ささみと小松菜を蒸して わさびか味噌ヨーグルトソースで
steamed chocken tenderloin & Komatsuna with wasabi or Miso yogurt sauce,
白カビタイプのチーズ2種 2 types of bloomy rind Cheese,
全粒粉のパン whole wheat bread, red wine dinner on Sat. 19 Dec. 2015
dessert after dinner LifeStying by edochianadessert after dinner: ささまの柚子饅頭, 冬菊, 緑茶 Sasama‘s sweet bun with Yuzu & steamed sweet with Nerikiri dessert after dinner LifeStying by edochiana
before going to bed: 50.50kg