before breakfast: 49.45kg
breakfast: my daily companions
swimming: 40 minutes, stretching: 5 minutes, water walking: 10 minutes
after swimming: 49.70kg
then chai & halva @ Darjeeling in Tokyo
before going to bed: 49.70kg
before breakfast: 49.45kg
breakfast: my daily companions
swimming: 40 minutes, stretching: 5 minutes, water walking: 10 minutes
after swimming: 49.70kg
then chai & halva @ Darjeeling in Tokyo
before going to bed: 49.70kg
before breakfast: 59.55kg
breakfast: my daily companions
swimming: 40 minutes, stretching: 5 minutes, water walking: 10 minutes
before dinner: 49.45kg
beaf steak,
salad with steamed cabbage & fried mushroom dressed anchovy,
soy bean gratin with carrot, carrots’ leaf, Shimméji mushroom & onion
大豆のグラタン にんじん、にんじんの葉っぱ、しめじ、玉ねぎ入り,
red wine
before going to bed: 50.35kg
before breakfast: 49.55kg
dessert: canelé, gateau gâteau au chocolat et té vert
swimming: 40 minutes, stretching: 5 minutes, water walking: 10 minutes
before dinner: 49.45kg
Tani farm‘s salad set たに農園のサラダセット,
grilled fishy on the herb bed with Okinawan citrus fruit
鯵に似た身質のえぼ鯛サイズの魚のハーブ焼き シークワーサーで,
pickled cucumber きゅうりのぬか漬け,
red wine
before going to bed: 50.35kg
before breakfast: 49.85kg
lunch @ TOOTAL FOODS in Roppongi, Tokyo
dessert: おからのパウンドケーキ Soy pulp pound cake & coffee
before dinner: 49.50kg
grilled cabbage, green pepper & white gourd キャベツ、ピーマン、冬瓜のグリル,
boiled broccoli with yogurt tomato sauce,
leftover grilled conger 焼あなご,
provolone, red wine
before going to bed: 50.05kg
before breakfast: 49.65kg
swimming: 40 minutes, stretching: 5 minutes, water walking: 10 minutes
before dinner: 49.85kg
はなおかの焼あなごとあなご八幡巻 Hanaoka‘s grilled conger & rolled burdock by conger,
ずいきの煮物 simmered taro stem,
grilled white radish carrot, Shiitaké & king trumpet mushroom dressed herb oil,
カブの葉のみそ汁 miso soup with radish leaves,
before going to bed: 50.30kg
before breakfast: 49.45kg
breakfast: my daily companions
swimming: 40 minutes, stretching: 5 minutes, water walking: 10 minutes
before dinner: 49.90kg
steamed chestnuts 蒸し栗,
salad with boiled soy bean, broccoli, yellow baby tomato, sliced onion by a swirl of olive oil & salt
ゆで大豆、ブロッコリー、ベビートマト、オニオンスライスのサラダ オリーヴオイル一筋と塩で,
grilled Japanese butterfish on herb bed with Okinawan citrus fruit
えぼ鯛のハーブ焼き シークワーサーで,
before going to bed: 50.40kg
before breakfast: 49.60kg
breakfast: my daily companions
dessert: 船橋屋のくず餅
swimming: 40 minutes, stretching: 5 minutes, water walking: 10 minutes
before dinner: 50.05kg
tofu & avocado salad topped Daikon sprouts 豆腐、アボカド、貝割れのサラダ,
grilled potato dressed soy sauce & sesame oil ごま油と醤油をからめてから焼いたじゃがいも,
grilled red sea bream on herb bed with Okinawan citrus fruits 真鯛のハーブ焼き シークワーサーで,
red wine
before going to bed: 49.95kg
before breakfast: 50.35kg
dinner:grilled taro & pumpkin dressed herb oil, fresh salad
sauté de porc with ginger, red wine
before going to bed: 50.35kg
before breakfast: 50.30kg
snack: 千金丹 & caffè macchiato
swimming: 45 minutes, water walking: 10 minutes
before dinner: 50.10kg
grilled routs root, Shiméji mushroom & Aburaagé by a swirl of mayonnaise, soy sauce & chili powder
レンコン、しめじ、油あげのグリル ぐるっと筋書き程度のマヨネーズ、おしょうゆ、一味で,
grilled butterfish & horse mackerel with Okinawan citrus fruits
えぼ鯛と鯵のグリル シークワーサーで,
pickled radish カブの漬け物,
miso soup with taro & Wakamé seaweeds
dessert: custard pudding
2 fishes are too mush.
I understand it watching pictures of these weeks on this blog.
My condition was good with the dinner of that day.
Watching food I ate is a chance to keep a good condition.
before going to bed: 51.00kg
before breakfast: 50.55kg
The salad with rice bran pickled veggies doesn’t need any additional condiments. It’s my favorite.
Today with the leftover grilled burdock, it’s more flavorful.
swimming: 45 minutes, water walking: 10 minutes
before dinner: 50.45kg
tofu & avocado salad topped sliced onion with yogurt miso sauce
お豆腐とアボカドのサラダ オニオンスライス乗せ ヨーグルト味噌ソースで,
beaf steak with Okinawan citrus fruits 牛ヒレステーキ シークワーサーで,
arugula, water cress & fresh mushroom topped grilled Shiitaké & Enoki mushroom
ルッコラ、クレソン、生マッシュルーム しいたけとえのきのグリルを乗せて
red wine
Meat is in small portion with a lot of veggie.
The stomach is happy tonight, especially after successive days with heavy meals.
before going to bed: 50.90kg